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ISO certificates

ISO 14001 – We care about the environment

Dentes Dental Lab applies international quality standard of environmental management in their work and production.

ISO 14001 is an international standard that establishes requirements to the environmental management system. The International Organization for Standards (ISO) prepared the standard in 1996 and its structure is very similar to ISO 9001 standard of quality management system. In 2004, the standard was updated, and in Estonia, the standard “EVS-EN ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems”, certified in September 2005 by the Estonian Centre for Standardisation (EVS), is valid as well.

Many companies look for possibilities for improving their environmental results, decreasing production costs and finding new business opportunities. An environmental management system creates a basis for systematic dealing with these issues. Since 1996, when the international standard of environmental management system ISO 14001 was created, companies have paid constantly more attention to it every year.

The entire production process and waste handling has been taken into compliance with this standard, and regular audits are held.

Environmental policy

  • We are aware of and fulfil environmental requirements;
  • In order to prevent environmental pollution, we minimise waste generation and implement the best possible technology for this purpose;
  • We consume the resources economically – we save water, raw materials and energy;
  • We purchase resources and services preferably from the suppliers, whose operation is environmentally sustainable, or who implement an environmental management system;
  • We have implemented environmental management system in accordance with the standard and monitor fulfilment of the requirements.
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ISO 9001 – Quality management system

Dentes Dental Lab applies international quality standard of environmental management in their work and production.

The requirements included in the standards of management systems supplement, but do not substitute the technical requirements set in product standards. Specific needs and objectives of the organization, supplied products and services and peculiarities of operating methods influence the planning and realisation of a management system. The main objectives of quality system, which have raised much questions, as well as obligatory requirements and activities to be followed by the certificate holder, are the following:

  • Concentration on customers – organizations depend on their customers and should therefore understand current and future needs of customers, fulfil their requests, and endeavour to surpass their expectations.
  • Initiative – the managers establish the nature of the organization and coherence of operation. They should create and keep such internal environment operational, which enables full participation of the people in achievement of the objectives of the organization.
  • Involvement of people – core of an organization includes employees of all levels and their complete involvement, which enables to use their skills for the benefit of the organization.
  • Process-centred approach – the required results are achieved more efficiently, if operations and resources related to operations are managed as processes.
  • Systematic approach to management – determination of mutually related processes as a system, their understanding and management supports efficiency of an organization and achievement of objectives.
  • Constant improvement – constant improvement of operability of an organization should be permanent objective of the organization.
  • Fact-based decisions – efficient decisions are based on analysis of data and information.
  • Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers – organization and their suppliers are mutually dependant on each other, and mutually beneficial relationships increase the ability of both parties to create values.

Quality policy of Erakliinik Dentes AS

  • Operation of the company is oriented to design and manufacture individualised dentures with the highest quality;
  • For quality assurance, we have implemented an integrated management system and follow quality, working environment and environmental standards;
  • Our priority is customer satisfaction. To ensure this, we are a flexible partner – we follow requirements of the customer and agreements;
  • We use high-quality materials and equipment for provision of our services and manufacturing of our products;
  • We ensure high-quality working environment, personal protection equipment and tools for the employees;
  • We follow the development trends in our field and ensure in-service training of employees;
  • We make planned improvement decisions, based on the information reflecting the interests of all parties;
  • We improve our management system.
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ISO 45001 – Occupational safety first

Dentes dental lab applies international quality management standard in their work and production.

Employees are the most valuable resource of every company, and Dentes Dental Lab is paying special attention to occupational safety. Naturally, we follow the valid occupational health and safety requirements, and require their fulfilment from our subcontractors; we use only contemporary operating and personal protection equipment, the condition and fitness of which is constantly checked in certified laboratories; continuous planning of work and assessment of risks is performed, in order to ensure a safe working environment.

In the production spaces of the dental lab, it is possible to use a conditioner and forced ventilation with pre-heating; in order to make the working environment friendlier, the rooms have broad windows, excellent spot lighting, lush flowers, fish tanks, resting corners and a cafe. All this creates good feeling and all specialists can easily make their best efforts, ensuring safe, fast and high-quality work process.

Occupational health and safety policy

  • The company has established a safe working environment through assessment of risks of illnesses, accidents and incidents, and has also informed employees of such risks;
  • We fulfil the requirements specified in legal acts related to occupational health and safety;
  • We minimise the risks of occupational accidents and development of occupational diseases, proceeding from the requirements of the standard EVS 18001:2007;
  • We improve the management systems of occupational health and safety, meeting the requirements of the occupational safety standard EVS 18001: 2007;
  • We promote healthy lifestyle of employees, enabling favourable sporting possibilities and use of sauna;
  • We deal with implementation of new technologies, less hazardous to the environment and health.

Dentes Dental Lab also supports sporting activities of the employees; good examples are also the managers of the company Tiit and Viive Sarapuu.

9001 14001 45001 ENG

Erakliinik Dentes AS

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Responsible employees of the dental lab

Dentes kroon

Viive Sarapuu


Dentes kroon

Riina Truija

Senior technician

Dentes kroon

Marianne Jänes

Senior technician